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Supporting Materials
Ratification of the County Executive Office’s Execution of Grant Agreements for a Combined Award of $624,503 to the Ventura County Continuum of Care and the County of Ventura from the Business Consumer Services and Housing Agency in COVID-19 Emergency Homeless Funding; Approval of Regional Participation and Collaboration between the Ventura County Continuum of Care and the County of Ventura in Allocating Funds; and Authorization for the Auditor-Controller to Process the Necessary Budgetary Transactions.
PDF Document  Ratification of the County Executive Office’s Exec - Statement.docx
PDF Document  Ratification of the County Executive Office’s Exec - Board Letter
PDF Document  Ratification of the County Executive Office’s Exec - Exhibit 1 - 20-HCFC-00038 Ventura County Continuum of Care Ageement.pdf
PDF Document  Ratification of the County Executive Office’s Exec - Exhibit 2 - 20-HCFC-00044 County of Ventura Agreement.pdf
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