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Receive and File a Presentation Summarizing the Current Status of FEMA’s Flood Insurance Studies, Digital Flood Insurance Rate Maps, and Levee Certification Efforts in Ventura County; Hear Any Comments Regarding Those Efforts from Kathy Schaefer, Engineer, National Flood Insurance Program – Region lX, Mitigation Division, FEMA; and Approval and Authorization for the Director of Public Works or His Designee to Execute Standard Form Consulting Services Contracts with Tetra Tech, Inc., in a Total Not-to-Exceed Amount of $2.9 Million (Including 10 Percent Contingency Estimate) for Phase 3 Levee Certification Action Plan Implementation Work Project Nos. P6011007, P6012007, and P6015007, All Supervisorial Districts, Zones 1, 2, and 3.
PDF Document  Receive and File a Presentation Summarizing the Cu - Board Letter.pdf
PDF Document  Receive and File a Presentation Summarizing the Cu - Exhibit No. 1 - Progression and Status of FIS and DFIRMs in Ventura County.pdf
PDF Document  Receive and File a Presentation Summarizing the Cu - Exhibit No. 2 - Graphical Summary of Levee Cert Category Results and Costs.pdf
PDF Document  Receive and File a Presentation Summarizing the Cu - Exhibit No. 3 - Proposed Generic Scope of Work - Phase 3 Engineering Work.pdf
PDF Document  Receive and File a Presentation Summarizing the Cu - Exhibit No. 4 -Spreadsheet Comparing Consultants with District Phase 3 Cost Estimates.pdf
PDF Document  Receive and File a Presentation Summarizing the Cu - Exhibit No. 5 - Levee Certification Economic Valuation and Costs Spreadsheet.pdf
PDF Document  Receive and File a Presentation Summarizing the Cu - Letter - Jordan.pdf
PDF Document  Receive and File a Presentation Summarizing the Cu - Modification No. 1 to Contract AE09-29.pdf
PDF Document  Receive and File a Presentation Summarizing the Cu - Modification No. 3 to Contract AE09-29.pdf
PDF Document  Receive and File a Presentation Summarizing the Cu - Modification No. 1 to Contract AE09-30.pdf
PDF Document  Receive and File a Presentation Summarizing the Cu - Modification No. 2 to Contract AE09-30.pdf
PDF Document  Receive and File a Presentation Summarizing the Cu - Modification No. 3 to Contract AE09-30.pdf
PDF Document  Receive and File a Presentation Summarizing the Cu - Modifacation No. 1 to Contract AE 09-31.pdf
PDF Document  Receive and File a Presentation Summarizing the Cu - Modification No. 2 to Contract AE 09-31.pdf
PDF Document  Receive and File a Presentation Summarizing the Cu - Modification No. 1 to Contract AE 09-32.pdf
PDF Document  Receive and File a Presentation Summarizing the Cu - Modification No. 2 to Contract AE09-32.pdf
PDF Document  Receive and File a Presentation Summarizing the Cu - Modification No. 3 to Contract AE09-32.pdf
PDF Document  Receive and File a Presentation Summarizing the Cu - Modification No. 1 to Contract AE09-33.pdf
PDF Document  Receive and File a Presentation Summarizing the Cu - Modification No. 1 to Contract AE09-34.pdf
PDF Document  Receive and File a Presentation Summarizing the Cu - Modification No. 2 to Contract AE 09-34.pdf