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Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Director to Execute an Option Agreement, and Agree to Enter to Enter into and Authorization for the Chair to Execute, a Long-Term Lease, for the Construction and Operation of a Replacement Hotel Complex and Restaurant on Parcels F and F-1 in the Channel Islands Harbor with Bright Peninsula Road, LLC; Authorization for the Harbor Director to Submit the Projects to the California Coastal Commission, and Find that the Approvals are Exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act.
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - Board Letter.doc
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - Exhibit 1 - Option Agreement
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - RevisionStatementSheet.docx
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - Exhibit 2 - Hotel Lease Final.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - 41 Tom Lucas.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - 41 Susan OBrien.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - 41 Robert Murphy.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - 41 Robert Chatenever.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - 41 Petra Dorris.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - 41 Mike Mercadante.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - 41 Michael Murray.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - 41 Mary Ellen.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - 41 Mark Savalla.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - 41 Mark Garcia.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - 41 Laurie Hefner.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - 41 Larry Schuss.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - 41 Joe Fiss.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - 41 Jerry Mitchell.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - 41 Jay Braun.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - 41 Hadley Hendrick.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - 41 Geri Lowther.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - 41 George Miller.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - 41 Elisabeth Lamar.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - 41 Debbie Mitchell.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - 41 David Brinton.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - 41 Chuck Hamm.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - 41 Cathy Peterson.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - 41 Carol Flesher.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - 41 Bonnie Quinton.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - 41 Bill Marshall.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - 41 Bill Eberhardt.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - 41 Alan Paul.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - Exhibit 3 - Location Map
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - RevisionStatementSheet.docx
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - PlanningFlowChart 5-15.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - 41 Toni Weaver.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - 41 Sandy Truex.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - 41 Robert Murphy.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - 41 Rene Aiu.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - 41 Nancy Pate.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - 41 Ken Lynch.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - 41 Julie Pena.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - 41 Judy Martin.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - 41 John Becker.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - 41 Jill Munn.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - 41 Jana Danza.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - 41 Gary Mintz.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - 41 Frank Laza.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - 41 Debbie Meschkat.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - 41 Dave Kelley.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - 41 Cathy Peterson.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - 41 Brad Marcus.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - 41 Barbara Schulman.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - 41 Audrey Keller.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - 41 Arthur Marcotte.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of, and Authorization for, the Harbor Dir - 41 Alf Clausen.pdf
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