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Public Hearing Regarding Adoption of an Amendment to the General Plan to Comprehensively Update the Saticoy Area Plan and Make Related Revisions to the General Plan Goals, Policies and Programs, and Adoption of Ordinances Amending the Non-Coastal Zoning Ordinance to Amend Zoning Classifications, Revise Zoning Maps, Add the Old Town Saticoy Development Code and Make Minor Related Text Amendments; Adoption of an Environmental Impact Report and Statement of Overriding Considerations. (PL14-0066)
PDF Document  Public Hearing Regarding Adoption of an Amendment - Board Letter
PDF Document  Public Hearing Regarding Adoption of an Amendment - Resolution
PDF Document  Public Hearing Regarding Adoption of an Amendment - Exhibit 1 - Planning Commission Resolution 15-08
PDF Document  Public Hearing Regarding Adoption of an Amendment - Exhibit 2 - Planning Commission Staff Report 07.16.15
PDF Document  Public Hearing Regarding Adoption of an Amendment - Exh 2 Att 1 Saticoy Area Plan 2015.pdf
PDF Document  Public Hearing Regarding Adoption of an Amendment - Exh 2 Att 2 - Key Saticoy Area Plan Boundary Map
PDF Document  Public Hearing Regarding Adoption of an Amendment - Exh 2 Att 3 Appendices to the Saticoy Area Plan.pdf
PDF Document  Public Hearing Regarding Adoption of an Amendment - Exh 2 Att 4 - NCZO Text Amendments
PDF Document  Public Hearing Regarding Adoption of an Amendment - Exh 2 Att 5 - GPP Text Amendments (Zoning Compatibility Matrix)
PDF Document  Public Hearing Regarding Adoption of an Amendment - Exh 2 Att 6 - Existing Saticoy Area Plan, Adopted May 5, 2004
PDF Document  Public Hearing Regarding Adoption of an Amendment - Exh 2 Att 7.1 - Environmental Impact Report
PDF Document  Public Hearing Regarding Adoption of an Amendment - Exh 2 Att 7.2 - Environmental Impact Report Appendices
PDF Document  Public Hearing Regarding Adoption of an Amendment - Exh 2 Att 8 - Public Comments and Responses to Comments
PDF Document  Public Hearing Regarding Adoption of an Amendment - Exh 2 Att 9 - CEQA Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations
PDF Document  Public Hearing Regarding Adoption of an Amendment - Exh 2 Att 10 - Background Evaluation and Technical Report
PDF Document  Public Hearing Regarding Adoption of an Amendment - Exh 2 Att 11 - Saticoy Historic Resources Survey and Context
PDF Document  Public Hearing Regarding Adoption of an Amendment - Exh 2 Att 12 - Market Study for the Saticoy Community
PDF Document  Public Hearing Regarding Adoption of an Amendment - Exh 2 Att 13 - Old Town Saticoy Vision Plan
PDF Document  Public Hearing Regarding Adoption of an Amendment - Exh 2 Att 14 - Planning Process and Public Outreach Program Summary
PDF Document  Public Hearing Regarding Adoption of an Amendment - Exh 2 Att 15 - Power Point Presentation for Planning Commission 07.16.15
PDF Document  Public Hearing Regarding Adoption of an Amendment - Exhibit 3 - Letter from City of Ventura Submitted on 7.16.15 and County Response
PDF Document  Public Hearing Regarding Adoption of an Amendment - Exhibit 4 - Ordinance Adopting NCZO Text Changes
PDF Document  Public Hearing Regarding Adoption of an Amendment - RevisionStatementSheet
PDF Document  Public Hearing Regarding Adoption of an Amendment - Exhibit 5 - Zone Change Ordinance
PDF Document  Public Hearing Regarding Adoption of an Amendment - Exhibit 6 - FEIR Edits
PDF Document  Public Hearing Regarding Adoption of an Amendment - RevisionStatementSheet
PDF Document  Public Hearing Regarding Adoption of an Amendment - Saticoy Area Plan 092215.pptx
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