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Public Hearing Regarding Adoption of an Urgency Ordinance Extending the Provisions of Ordinance No. 4507 (PL17-0008), an Interim Measure to Regulate Accessory Dwelling Units in the Non-Coastal Zone, and Issuance of a Written Report.
PDF Document  Public Hearing Regarding Adoption of an Urgency Or - Board Letter.pdf
PDF Document  Public Hearing Regarding Adoption of an Urgency Or - Exhibit 1 - ADU Interim Ordinance Extension.pdf
PDF Document  Public Hearing Regarding Adoption of an Urgency Or - Exhibit 2 - ADU Interim Ordinance (Ordinance No. 4507).pdf
PDF Document  Public Hearing Regarding Adoption of an Urgency Or - Exhibit 3 - Board Letter and Exhibits dated March 14, 2017.pdf
PDF Document  Public Hearing Regarding Adoption of an Urgency Or - Exhibit 4 - Written Report.pdf
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