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Approval of the Proposed Substantial Amendment to the Ventura County Entitlement Area Fiscal Year (FY) 2016-17 Annual Action Plan (AP) De-Obligating $519,971 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds and $686,516 in HOME Investment Partnership Act (HOME) Funds from the Bridgeview Apartments Project; Public Hearing Regarding Adoption of Ventura County Entitlement Area FY 2017-18 Annual AP; Authorization for the County Executive Officer (CEO) to Modify the 2017-18 Annual AP as Necessary; and Authorization for the CEO to Enter Into County’s Standard Contracts for CDBG, Emergency Solutions Grant and HOME Programs Identified in the 2017-18 AP Plan.
PDF Document  Approval of the Proposed Substantial Amendment to - Board Letter
PDF Document  Approval of the Proposed Substantial Amendment to - Ex 1-Ventura County Entitlement Area FY 2017-18 Annual Action Plan.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of the Proposed Substantial Amendment to - Ex 2-FY 2017-18 Funding Recommendations.pdf
PDF Document  Approval of the Proposed Substantial Amendment to - Ex 3-FY 2017-18 Project Summaries.pdf