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Supporting Materials
Receive Report and Provide Direction Regarding Proposed Alternatives for Accessory Dwelling Unit Regulations in the Coastal and Non-Coastal Zones.
PDF Document  Receive Report and Provide Direction Regarding Pro - Statement.docx
PDF Document  Receive Report and Provide Direction Regarding Pro - Board Letter.pdf
PDF Document  Receive Report and Provide Direction Regarding Pro - Exhibit 2 - Former SDU Ordinance (NCZO Sec. 8107-1.7).pdf
PDF Document  Receive Report and Provide Direction Regarding Pro - Exhibit 3 - ADU Interim Ordinance (Ordinance No. 4507).pdf
PDF Document  Receive Report and Provide Direction Regarding Pro - Exhibit 4 - Board Letter, March 14, 2017.pdf
PDF Document  Receive Report and Provide Direction Regarding Pro - Exhibit 5 - Background Information on Previously Adopted ADU Regulations.pdf
PDF Document  Receive Report and Provide Direction Regarding Pro - Statement.docx
PDF Document  Receive Report and Provide Direction Regarding Pro - PowerPoint Presentation
PDF Document  Receive Report and Provide Direction Regarding Pro - Statement.docx
PDF Document  Receive Report and Provide Direction Regarding Pro - Revised Exhibit 1
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