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Adoption of a Resolution Approving the Transfer of the Camino Del Sol Apartments Housing Asset from the Oxnard Community Development Commission Successor Agency (Successor Agency) to the City of Oxnard, in its Capacity as the Successor Housing Entity to the Oxnard Community Development Commission (Successor Housing Entity); and Approval of the Transfer of the Affordable Housing Payment, In the Amount of $1,514,213, from the Successor Agency to the Successor Housing Entity, and Following Approval by the California Department of Finance.
PDF Document  Adoption of a Resolution Approving the Transfer of - Board Letter
PDF Document  Adoption of a Resolution Approving the Transfer of - Attachment 1 - Resolution - Housing Asset Transfer
PDF Document  Adoption of a Resolution Approving the Transfer of - Attachment 2 - Oxnard City Council Resolution No. 15,178
PDF Document  Adoption of a Resolution Approving the Transfer of - Attachment 3 - Successor Agency Resolution No. 33
PDF Document  Adoption of a Resolution Approving the Transfer of - Presentation - VCCOB Camino Del Sol PILOT Transfer.ppt